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Calculate your brokerage & expenses with brokerage calculator

  • Published: Thursday, 15 October 2020

We are a deep-discount brokerage firm.

As our policy, we have always maintained transparency with our clients with respect to brokerage, charges, services, etc. We have an online Brokerage Calculator that helps you find out what all charges including brokerage you would incur on any transaction of your choice. Our brokerage charges are fixed i.e Rs.12.99/- (+ GST @ 18%) per executed order and Rs.1299- for EQ FNO and Rs.12.99 Flat for MCX (+ GST @ 18%), rest all other charges are as per exchange and government.

Click on this link Brokerage Calculator to verify the charges that you would incur while trading with us.

How this works :

  • Click on the above link.
  • Select your brokerage plan.
  • Enter your transaction details

All the charges and your net Profit or Loss will be available as you start entering the details.