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What is open interest?

  • 14 September 2021

It refers to the total number of outstanding derivative contracts that have not been settled.

The Ultimate guide Of Corporate Action – Bonus / Split / Rights Issue

  • 04 September 2021

Investors frequently come across terms such as bonus, stock splits and right issues. All these are examples of what we call corporate actions. These are simply actions taken by a company once agreed upon by its board of directors andthen authorized by its shareholders.All such actions have announcement date, ex-date, and record date.

Implementation of Peak Margin from Dec 1st and how it will impact the market participants ?

  • 27 November 2020

From December 1, 2020, the concept of peak margin reporting will be introduced. This will have a big impact on the intraday margin/limit that customers enjoy currently.

Flat 20% upfront margin to be collected in Cash Segment from Sep 1st 2020.

  • 20 July 2020

As per SEBI circular Dated Nov 19,2019 brokers are now required to collect and report margins in the cash segment just like is currently applicable in derivatives segment

Taxation Simplified for Traders

  • 14 June 2017

Taxation in leu of gains from trading or investing in shares is somewhat complex. SAS Online has made an attempt to simplify it for the taxpayers. Before you can figure out how much to shell off as the tax you must first decide whether you are a trader or an investor.

What is Cyclical Sector and Defensive Sector in Stock Market?

  • 15 May 2017

Have you ever noticed that as the economy fluctuates, some stocks react extremely, while a few others remain unaffected! Called as Cyclical Sector and Defensive Sector, knowledge about these stocks can help you plan your investment portfolio. Let us understand them in detail.